Experimental documentary short film/video installation as loop, Germany, 8 min
Script, directing, camera, montage: Dan Dansen
»I am living in a state of permanent crisis«
The experimental film »Winter Solstice« traces the feeling of permanent crisis as political state. On a cramped subway
an unseen narrator has difficulties breathing. On their way to work they are plunged into a crisis: they struggle with
fragmentation and isolation. The feeling to be stuck in the rat race of work without being able to make a living. They
depict the state of surviving in neoliberal capitalism.
Associatively the essay outlines this state by cinematic means. The documentary aims for a physical experience – the
fragmentation of montage hints at the fragmentation of the subjects: overstimulation, being always available, examining
each fibre of the self for usability in the system, constant overload. But still not being able to pause. We survive
instead of living.
»Would it be possible that this crisis is also your crisis?«